Список минифиг

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Артикул Название Год
hp349 hp349 Harry Potter - Triwizard Uniform

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
hp373 hp373 Lord Voldemort - White Head, Black Skirt, Tongue

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
hp413 hp413 Harry Potter - Triwizard Uniform, Flippers

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
hp414 hp414 Viktor Krum - Shark, Dual Sided Head

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
hp415 hp415 Hermione Granger - Black Gryffindor Robe and Medium Legs, Sleeping / Awake

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
hp416 hp416 Ron Weasley - Black Gryffindor Robe and Medium Legs, Sleeping / Awake

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
hp417 hp417 Merperson - Sand Green Body, Medium Nougat Wavy Hair

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
hp442 hp442 Rita Skeeter - Lime Jacket

Harry Potter-> Goblet of Fire
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